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Breakfast cereals

As someone who is not a huge fan of breakfast unless it involves some combination of sausages, hash browns and bacon, I seem to have a strange fascination with breakfast cereals. This was recently pointed out to me on the basis that currently on my shelves I have no less than 11 different types of cereal. Eleven! These being Cheerios, Honey Cheerios, Coco Pops, Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Shreddies, Curiously Cinnamon, Weetabix, Mince Pie Wheats (!), Golden Syrup Porridge and Coconut Porridge.

Now whilst there are 4 hungry boys in the Wicks household, on current form we have almost a better selection of breakfast offerings than Tesco. So how has this come to be?

Well every time I do a shop I seem to be strangely drawn to cereal – in these days of lockdown and ‘stay at home’ advice there seems very little variety in our lives. “Ah!” my subconscious thinks, “But just peak down that cereal aisle. For therein lies a treasure trove of beautifully coloured boxes, blues, reds, the brightest yellows and the deepest greens, all designed to captivate my senses to the joyous bounty contained within!”

As I wander down that aisle it’s as if I’m transported to a magical faraway land of colour, imagination, of childish delight where anything is possible, and I’m promised that if I just pick up that tempting box of Kellogg’s Dandruff Flakes, all my worldly problems will evaporate as I enjoy bowlful after bowlful of its delicious wheaty goodness.

I am clearly a marketing team’s dream customer and hence why my shelves are awash with their products. I also therefore feel we have some authority, nay, responsibility to make public our breakfast cereal opinions. So asking each of the 4 main members of the household for their favourite cereal and why (sadly Rodney the Cat declined to be interviewed for this blog until the legal wranglings over his image rights is resolved). The responses were therefore as follows:

Daddy“This is a tough one, during the post-Christmas “I need to shed a few pounds” period I’d have to say Weetabix. None of this ‘Wheat Biscs’ malarky though, here is one cereal I can’t compromise on. You see Weetabix has just the right ‘Wheat’ to ‘bix’ ratio which means it is neither too soft, pathetically withering upon contact with the milk nor too hard thus presenting an impermeable barrier demanding of the dairy ‘YOU SHALL NOT PASS!’. Plus it keeps you regular.”

Harry“For me it’s a no brainer, anything that comes covered in or with chocolate ,even if it comes with a side of chocolate I’ll still give it a go. Coco Pops, Chocolate Pillows, just a bowl of chocolate, anything really I’m not fussy.”

Josh“I’d have to go with a cheeky bowl of Shreddies. As the saying goes ‘Keeps hunger locked up till the toast we get after our cereal’ and in that regard it rarely lets the side down. In the 2 minute period between finishing my shreddies and being presented with my toast I’ll only ask Dad maybe 17 times when the toast will be ready. With any other cereal who knows how many times it would be!?”

Jude“Dadadada, rrrrrooooaaarrrr, neeenaw neeeenaw, Dosh!, Dosh!, Bekfast, biskit, more, more! rrrrrooooaaarrrr” (Jude’s translator was unavailable at the time this blogpost was written)

Why not share your breakfast cereal opinions in the comments below?

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  1. Annoymous

    Totally agree with you about weetabix, a cheaper brand just doesn’t compare…. Sometimes slightly too regular though dont you think? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  2. Anna Nuttall

    I am not a breakfast person and can easily last till midday before eating but if I was to have breakfast I do like coco pops but I can only eat them dry (no milk) and crushed into a powder 🤣

  3. Glenda Setchfield

    Crunchy nut cornflakes with milk but not too much or porridge which is one of the flavoured ones. My unusual favourite breakfast is HP sauce on toast. If you like brown sauce that is.
    When my children were small they loved Sugar Puffs which I loved too. My daughter once said, Mummy are Sugar Puffs really toasted ladybirds? No why? Grandad said they were! They still gobbled them down.

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